




1. We recognize that China’s long-term modernization program understandably and necessarily emphasizes economic growth. 我们认识到,中国的长期现代化计划以发展经济为重点,这是可以理解的,也是必要的。


2. Then and there he named the startled General lying wounded on his cot the new Commander in Chief of the Airforce. 他就在当时当地任命这位躺在榻上治伤的将军为空军总司令,使这位将军吃了一惊。

3. A movie of me leaving that foxhole would look like a shell leaving a rifle. 我离开那个猫儿洞的速度之快,要是拍成电影的话,会像出膛的子弹一样。

4. Yet it is painfully apparent that millions of Americans who would never think of themselves as law-breakers, let alone criminals, are taking increasing liberties with the legal codes that are designed to protect and nourish their society. 显然,数百万美国人从来没有想过自己会违法,更不用说犯罪了,而就是他们正在越来越肆意歪曲旨在保护和培育这个社会的法律条文,这真令人痛心。

原文中painfully apparent如照字面译成痛心地明显的,不合汉语表达习惯,将painfully单译成句,既突出了重点,表明作者对这一现象感到痛心的心情,又使语言自然流畅。

5. At present people have a tendency to choose the safety of the middle-ground reply. 现在,人们都倾向于采取不偏不倚的态度来回答问题,因为它安全,不招风险。


choose the safety of the middle-ground reply如机械直译成选择不偏不倚回答问题的安全,语言晦涩难懂。将safety分译出来则较好地解决了这一问题。

6. Auntie Julia vainly asked each of her neighbours in turn to tell her what Gabriel had said. 朱利亚姨妈接连向坐在旁边的人打听加布里埃尔刚才说了些什么,却没有问出个所以然来。




1. These cheerful little trams, dating back to 1873, chug and sway up the towering hills with bells ringing and people hanging from every opening. 这些令人欢快的小缆车建于1873年,嘎嚓嘎嚓摇摆爬上高耸的山峦。车上铃儿叮当作响,每个窗口都是人。(介词短语分译)

2. The military is forbidden to kill the vessel, a relatively easy task. 军方被禁止击毁这艘潜艇,虽然要击毁它并不怎么费事。(名词短语分译)

3. Invitingly green Angel Island, once a military installation, contains meandering trails and picnic spots ideal for a day’s excursion. 迷人的天使岛郁郁葱葱,小径蜿蜒,是一日游的理想野餐场所。但在过去它却是一个军事基地。(名词短语分译)




1. 简单句的分译


(1) Daybreak comes with thick mist and drizzle.




(2) But another round of war in the region clearly would put strains on international relations.




2. 并列复合句的分译



(1) I sat with his wife in their living room, looking out the glass doors to the backyards, and there was Allen’s pool, still covered with black plastic that had been stretched across it for winter.


(2) On her once familiar street, as in any unused channel, an unfamiliar queerness had silted up; a cat wove itself in and out of railings, but no human eye watched Mrs Drover’s return.



(3) The entire cable-car system recently got an overhaul after more than a century of operations, so you are on firm ground even if the streets seem to be tilting beneath you.



(4) The recruitment of Chinese labor was not universally accepted in racially conscious 19th century America and some white workers were unsettled by their appearance in large numbers.

