双语:Global Wealth: The One Per Center Next Door

Global Wealth: The One Per Center Next Door



You may be higher up the global wealth ladder than you think



If you had only $2,222 to your name (adding together your bank deposits, financial investments and property holdings, and subtracting your debts) you might not think yourself terribly fortunate. But you would be wealthier than half the world’s population, according to this year’s Global Wealth Report by the Credit Suisse Research Institute. If you had $71,560 or more, you would be in the top tenth. If you were lucky enough to own over $744,400 you could count yourself a member of the global 1% that voters everywhere are rebelling against.


如果你名下只有2222美元的财产(将你的银行存款、金融投资以及持有房地产相加,再减去债务),你可能并不会觉得自己的境况好极了。不过根据瑞信研究院(Credit Suisse Research Institute)今年的《全球财富报告》,你已经比全世界一半的人都更富有。如果你拥有71,560美元或者更多,那么你就属于全球财富榜上排名前10%的那群人。倘若你足够幸运,拥有的财产超过744,400美元,那么你已跻身于全球各地的选民都在与之对抗的全球1%的“富豪”了。


Unlike many studies of prosperity and inequality, this one counts household assets rather than income. The data are patchy, particularly at the bottom and top of the scale. But with some assumptions, the institute calculates that the world’s households owned property and net financial assets worth almost $256trn in mid-2016. That is about 3.4 times the world’s annual GDP. If this wealth were divided equally it would come to $52,819 per adult. But in reality the top tenth own 89% of it.




That lucky tenth now includes over 44m Chinese, about 4.4% of the country’s adult population. A far greater number (almost half of China’s adults) cluster in the next three deciles down. Closer to the bottom of the ladder, there is a similar bulge of Indians with wealth between $30 and $603.




Below them, the bottom tenth is a peculiar mix. It is populated by poor countries, where many people have nothing, and rich ones, where people can own very much less than that. It includes a surprising number of Americans (over 21m), whose debts outweigh their assets. But most Americans are much better off. Over 40% belong to the top tenth of the global wealth distribution (and over 18m belong to the global 1%). Some of those railing against the global elite probably do not even know they belong to it.


