

中英文在部分与整体及语言成分的相互关系的表述上有差异,翻译时需要做到两点:一是透彻把握原文里各个成分之间的关系;二是按照英语习惯加以表达。一个典型的例子是,中文里说中国与世界是很自然的,但在英语里不能说China and the world,因为从逻辑上来看,中国也是世界的一部分,我们只能说China and the rest of the world。

1. 统一战线是中国共产党凝聚社会各方面力量,促进政党关系、民族关系、宗教关系、阶层关系、海内外同胞关系的和谐,夺取中国特色社会主义新胜利的重要法宝。

【原译】The united front is an important measure for the CPC to pool the strength of the whole of Chinese society, make relations more harmonious between political parties, ethnic groups, religions, people of different strata and Chinese people at home and abroad, and achieve new victories for socialism with Chinese characteristics.


【改译】The United Front is an essential tool that the CPC uses to pool the strength of the whole of Chinese society to build a prosperous socialist country with Chinese characteristics. It helps forge partnerships and build harmonious relations among political parties, among ethnic and religious groups, among different regions, and among people from all walks of life, including overseas Chinese.

2. 中国改革开放30多年的历史已经证明,和平发展是中国基于自身国情、社会制度、文化传统做出的战略抉择,顺应时代潮流,符合中国根本利益,符合周边国家利益,符合世界各国利益。

【原译】China’s experience of reform and opening up over the past 30 years and more has proved that peaceful development is a strategic choice that suits China’s national conditions, social system and cultural traditions. It conforms to the trend of the times and serves the fundamental interests of China. It also meets the interests of China’s neighboring countries and those of all countries in the world.

中国是世界的一部分,中国的邻国也是世界的一部分,因此It also meets the interests of China’s neighboring countries and those of all countries in the world的说法是有问题的。

【改译】As China’s experience of reform and opening up over the past 30 years and more shows, the pursuance of peaceful development has been a crucial strategic move that is based on the considerations of China’s national conditions, social system and cultural traditions. It represents a timely response to today’s imperatives and serves the fundamental interests of China, and those of its neighbors and the rest of the world.

3. 在全面深化改革中,我们要坚持以经济体制改革为主轴,努力在重要领域和关键环节改革上取得新突破,以此牵引和带动其他领域改革,使各方面改革协同推进、形成合力,而不是各自为政、分散用力。

【原译】As China comprehensively deepens reform, it needs to keep economic structural reform as the principal axis, strive to make new breakthroughs in the reforms of important areas, and use them to drive other reforms, so that all reforms move forward together and form a synergy, rather than being uncoordinated so that their effects are dissipated.

原文提到努力在重要领域和关键环节改革上取得新突破时是紧接着前一词组而来的,其中重要领域和关键环节仍然与经济体制改革相关。译文在这一点上不清楚,in the reforms of important areas似乎是说在(所有)重要领域,结果造成了关系混乱,读者难以猜测用什么reforms去推动other reforms。

【改译】Economic structural reform remains the central pillar of our comprehensive in-depth reform efforts. Major new progress must be made in key areas of this reform, so as to pave the way for, and provide impetus to, other sectorial reforms. Such an approach could ensure synergy and coordination between various reform initiatives, and avoid silo mentality and fragmentation.



1. 2014年4月,习近平主席在布鲁日欧洲学院发表演讲时提议:要建设和平稳定之桥,把中欧两大力量连接起来。建设增长繁荣之桥,把中欧两大市场连接起来。建设改革进步之桥,把中欧两大改革进程连接起来。建设文明共荣之桥,把中欧两大文明连接起来。

【原译】When addressing the College of Europe in Bruges in April 2014, Chinese President Xi Jinping proposed building a bridge of peace and stability linking the two strong forces of China and the EU, a bridge of growth and prosperity linking the two big markets of China and the EU, a bridge of reform and progress linking the reform processes in China and the EU and a bridge of common cultural prosperity linking the two major civilizations of China and Europe.


【改译】Addressing the College of Europe in Bruges in April 2014, Chinese President Xi Jinping proposed building a bridge of peace and stability linking the two influential players, a bridge of growth and prosperity linking the two big markets, a bridge of reform and progress linking the reform processes in China and the EU, and a bridge of cultural prosperity linking the two major civilizations.

2. 2015年10月26日至29日在北京召开的十八届五中全会,首次提出了创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享的五大发展理念。

【原译】At the Fifth Plenary Session of its 18th Central Committee in 2015, the Communist Party of China (CPC) called for “innovation-driven development, coordinated development, green development, development for global progress, and development for the benefit of all.”


【改译】At its Fifth Plenary Session held from October 26 to 29, 2015, the 18th CPC Central Committee called for “development that is innovation-driven, coordinated, green, oriented toward global progress, and beneficial to all.”


数字化表达方式在政治文献中十分常用,但这种表达方式为中文特有,在英语里从古至今通常都没有类似的说法(英语里若干相关词语都以同一字母开头的情况与此不同,如The 4 R is Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recover)。如果把这种结构照搬到英语里,必然怪诞不经。

1. 四个全面

一种常见译法是Four Comprehensives,即把中文里特有的数字与形容词的组合硬性移植到英语里,实际上这是创造了一种另类表达方式。一种比较合理的译法是the Four-Pronged Strategy。请看以下这段话的翻译:


【原译】The strategy of “Four Comprehen-sives”was first put forth by Xi Jinping during an inspection tour of Jiangsu Province in December 2014. The strategy consists of: comprehensively building a moderately prosperous society, comprehensively driving reform to a deeper level, comprehensively governing the country in accordance with the law, and comprehensively enforcing strict Party discipline.

除了Four Comprehensives的表达方式离奇外,comprehensively连用四次,也属于不必要的重复。在中文里重复可以加重语气,形成排比,在英语如此重复,效果恰恰相反,使行文变得无比累赘。再者,comprehensively与其他词语的搭配,如building a moderately prosperous society、driving reform to a deeper level等等,也十分勉强。

【改译】The Four-Pronged Strategy was first put forth by Xi Jinping during an inspection tour of Jiangsu Province in December 2014. The strategy calls for completing the process of building a moderately well-off society, pursuing an expanded in-depth reform agenda, implementing a comprehensive framework for promoting the rule of law, and launching an all-out effort to enforce strict Party discipline.

2. 三严三实

同样,常见译法three stricts and three honests也是打破了一切语法规则的生搬硬套,不仅离奇,而且不达意,没有反映三严三实的实际内涵。那么,翻译时如何处理为上策呢?一个办法是彻底放弃数字结构,改用从本意着手的方式切入,力求反映口号的实质内容。考虑到三严三实的重点是要求品行刚正,不妨称之为the integrity initiative或the campaign to promote integrity等等。如此翻译虽然脱离了中文特有的语言形式,但能有效体现内容要点。如果刻意保留数字结构,那也应以符合英语习惯方式加以表达。既然在英语里不能将数字与形容词直接组合,我们就得探讨其他途径。考虑到数字与诸如guidelines、rules等结合并用十分自然,我们似乎可将三严三实译成the three guidelines for ethical behavior and the three basic rules of conduct。请看以下使用情况:


【原译】“Three Stricts and Three Earnests” are requirements Xi Jinping proposed for officials at all levels to improve their conduct. The requirements are to be strict in self-development, the exercise of power, and self-discipline, and to be earnest in making plans, opening up new undertakings, and upholding personal integrity.

除了上文提及的 Three Stricts and Three Earnests 的说法离奇外,be strict in...the exercise of power的含义恐怕与严以用权的本意有较大的偏差。严以用权应该是指用权时不谋私利,遵纪守法,strict是针对自己,而be strict in...the exercise of power似乎主要不是针对自己的。另外,earnest in making plans等等的说法也比较奇怪。

【改译】The initiative to implement the three guidelines for ethical behavior and the three basic rules of conduct (the 3+3 Initiative) was proposed by Xi Jinping. It calls upon officials at all levels to be strict with themselves in self-cultivation, in the exercise of power, and in self-discipline, and act in good faith when performing official duties, taking initiatives, and interacting with others.
