




(1) A term used in phonology to refer to the way adjacent sounds are linked. There are many ways in which the relationships between successive articulations may be described: one general classification which has been suggested distinguishes between close transitions and open transitions, similar to the distinction between close and open juncture. Close transitions refer to those articulations where there is an articulatory continuity between successive sounds; in open transition, by contrast, there is a break in the continuity of the articulation. The distinction can be seen in the s-s sequences heard in this sort and this assortment, where the former illustrates a close and the latter an open transition.

(2) The term is also used in acoustic phonetics for the acoustic change which takes place as the vocal organs move to and from the articulatory positions of consonants, especially plosives. The transitional features, or transients, can be clearly seen on a spectrogram, by the way the formants of the adjacent vowels are bent upwards or downwards, depending on which consonant is articulated.


(1)音系学用来指两个相邻的音互相联系的方式。两个相继发音动作的联系可用多种方式来描写:一种大体的分类是区分闭过渡和开过渡,类似于闭音渡和开音渡的区分。闭过渡是指相继两个音之间发音上是连续的,而开过渡则在发音上有中断;例如s-s序列,在this sort“这一种”中是闭过渡,而在this assortment“这种分类”中是开过渡。
