



(1) A term which characterizes a type of language sometimes distinguished in comparative linguistics using structural (as opposed to diachronic) criteria, and focusing on the characteristics of the word: in synthetic languages, words typically contain more than one morpheme (as opposed to analytic languages, where words are typically monomorphemic). Two types of synthetic language are usually recognized: agglutinative and inflecting - with polysynthetic sometimes additionally distinguished.

(2) Some use is made in semantics of the sense of ‘synthetic’ found in logic and philosophy, where a synthetic proposition / sentence is one whose truth can be verified only by using empirical criteria, e.g. It’s raining, Those dogs are fierce. The term contrasts with analytic, where the internal form of the proposition makes it necessarily true, without reference to external criteria.


(1)综合[语] 比较语言学有时用结构标准(而不是历时标准)根据词的特点分出的一类语言;综合语的词一般包含不止一个语素(不像分析语的词一般都是单语素)。综合语一般又分为两类:黏着语和屈析语,有时又增加一类多式综合语。

(2)综合命题/句 语义学有时利用“综合”一词在逻辑学和哲学中的涵义,用“综合命题/句”指只能用经验标准验证真假的命题或句子。例如It’s raining“下雨了”,Those dogs are fierce“那些狗很凶猛”。与之对立的是分析命题/句,即无需参照外部标准,命题的内部形式就决定其必然为真的命题或句子。