






“女汉子”,英语可以用 manly woman, masculine woman, masculine female 等表示,例如:


1. She is a manly woman, and it’s very uncomfortable for her to dress up in high heels and skirt.她是个女汉子,对她来说,穿高跟鞋和裙子极不舒服。


2. Being a masculine woman makes it difficult for her to find a boyfriend or husband. 作为一个女汉子,她很难找到男朋友或丈夫。


3. The masculine female thinks and acts like a man in defiance of the stereotypical submissive, gentle woman. 这个女汉子思维和行动都像男士,违背顺从、温柔的刻板女人形象。


“假小子”,英语可以用 tomboy, tomboyish girl, tomboy-like girl, masculine girl, tough girl 等表示,例如:


4. A tomboy is a girl who exhibits characteristics or behaviors considered typical of a boy. 假小子是表现出男孩子典型特点和行为的女孩子。


5. Some boys are born with introverted personalities while some girls naturally behave as tomboys. 有些男孩生性内向,而有些女孩自然地表现为假小子。


6. The tomboyish girl is very masculine in dress and appearance. She likes to bind her breasts, wear men’s clothes, and have short hair. 这个假小子在服装和外观方面都非常男性化。她喜欢束胸,穿男式服装和留短发。


7. The tomboy-like girl is really easy to get mistaken for a boy. 这个假小子真的很容易被误认成男孩。


英语常常用 boyish, masculine, butch (behaving or dressing like a man男性化的), tomboyish, gender-atypical(性别不典型的), straight(= heterosexual异性恋的), androgenous (looking neither strongly male nor strongly female不男不女的)等形容词,修饰“女汉子”或“假小子”,例如:


8. A tomboy is a girl who is considered boyish or masculine in behavior or manner. 假小子是在行为举止方面被认为具有男孩子气或阳刚之气的女孩子。


9. My sister is very boyish. She likes to work on cars and skateboard, and play sports and wear baggy pants and T-shirts. 我妹妹很男孩子气。她喜欢开汽车,玩滑板,参加体育活动,穿宽松裤子和T恤衫。


10. The man likes masculine women who are butch and wear baggy clothes, football jerseys, and baseball hats. 这名男子喜欢男性化的、穿宽松衣服或运动服、戴棒球帽的女汉子。


美国英语中, cowgirl (女牛仔)这个词与cowboy (牛仔)相对应,是美国版的“女汉子”,但是,cowgirl的内含与中国语境下的“女汉子”相差甚远,例如:


11. A cowgirl is a hired woman, especially in the western United States, who tends cattle and performs many of her duties on horseback. 尤其在美国西部,女牛仔是受雇照看牛群,很多活儿要骑马去做的女性。


12. The history of the cowgirl in the west and women who worked on cattle ranches in particular is not as well documented as that of men. 美国西部女牛仔的历史,尤其是在养牛场工作的妇女的历史,在文献中没有像男子的历史那样得到很好的记载。




13. Many modern women in China are financially independent and responsible for providing for their families, fueling the rise of masculine women. 中国许多现代女性经济独立,担负起抚养家庭的责任,这造成“女汉子”的兴起。


14. The phenomenon of “manly woman” reveals that modern Chinese society is adjusting its attitudes towards women. Young women are speaking for themselves through the image of “manly woman”. These women, who are both financially and spiritually independent, demand respect from society to recognize them as equals to their male counterparts. “女汉子”现象说明现代中国社会正在调整其对女性的态度。年轻女性正在通过“女汉子”的形象为自己发言。这些经济上和精神上都很独立的女士要求得到社会的尊重,承认她们与男士是平等的。


15. However, the term “manly woman” has been abused lately. Countless TV dramas and movies have used the role of a manly woman to draw the viewers’ attention. Manly and tomboy-like women are made fun of because they can’t get boyfriends. The term “manly woman” is gradually losing its revolutionary meaning and becoming a commercialized weapon to repress women in a different way. 然而,近来“女汉子”这个词已被滥用。无数电视剧和电影利用“女汉子”角色吸引观众注意力。女汉子和假小子遭到嘲弄,因为她们找不到男朋友。“女汉子”这个名词正逐渐丧失其革命性含义,成为以不同方式压制妇女的商业化武器。


16. It is very important to view the phenomenon of “manly woman” as a reflection of women’s demands for respect and social equality. These pursuits should be taken more seriously rather than being ignored or exploited by the commercialization of “manly woman”. 将“女汉子”现象视为女性要求得到尊重和社会平等的反映是非常重要的。这些诉求应该得到更加严肃的对待,而不是被忽视,或被“女汉子”的商业化所利用。