


/ 王逢鑫


1972 9 月, 美国著名经济学家加尔布雷思(John Kenneth Galbraith)、列昂季耶夫(Wassily Leontief)和托宾(James Tobin)等三人访华,笔者担任全程陪同和翻译。在杭州灵隐寺看到大肚弥勒佛像时,加尔布雷思问我这是什么神。我给他做了简单解释后,指着弥勒佛滚圆的肚子开玩笑地说:“He has a beer belly.”加尔布雷思笑着问我从哪里学到的这个词。后来,他在A China Passage(《中国之行》)一书中记述了这件趣事。他写道:“This afternoon we explored the Ling Yin Temple – really two, one guarding the other. They are Buddhist and huge. The first centers on a smiling Buddha with a superb stomach that one of our companions from Peking said he believed Americas called a beer belly. Right.”(今天下午,我们游览了灵隐寺——实际上是两层寺院,一个护卫着另一个。它们都是佛教寺庙,都很大。第一个寺庙突出的是一尊笑眯眯的佛像,有一个圆滚滚的肚子,我们来自北京的陪同中有一位说他深信美国人称之为“啤酒肚”。正确。)




第一种表现形式是“啤酒肚”,我国百姓称之为“罗汉肚”或“将军肚”,就是“圆鼓肚”。英语可以译为 beer bellybeer gut pot belly。例如:


1. “啤酒肚”是突出的腹部,尤其指经常或过度喝啤酒的结果。

A beer belly is a protruding abdomen, especially as the result of habitual or excessive beer drinking.


2. 有“啤酒肚”,会使死于心脏病或中风的风险翻一番。

Having a beer belly can double the risk of dying from heart disease or strokes.


3. 你真的需要整治一下你的啤酒肚了。

You really need to do something about your beer gut.


4. 在这个动物园里,我看到一只怪异的长鼻猴,有长长的悬垂鼻子和特大的圆鼓肚子。

In the zoo, I saw a weird proboscis monkey with his long pendulous nose and massive pot belly.




5. 人们一度仅能从双足恐龙的长臂和少许零散骨骼碎块的化石了解它,现在证明这种巨大的恐龙是一种背部隆起的大肚子动物。

A large bipedal dinosaur once known only from fossils of its long arms and a few isolated bone fragments turns out to be a hump-backed, beer-bellied beast.


6. 这个矮个子、大肚子的男子是个过度饮啤酒的人。

The short, beer-gutted man is an excessive beer drinker.


肥胖的第二种表现形式是“游泳圈”,指腰部赘肉。英语可用多种方法表示,包括love handles(直译“爱情把手”,指“腰部赘肉”)、spare tire(直译“备用轮胎”,可用作“游泳圈”,指“腰部赘肉”),或 muffin top ( 直译“松饼皮”,指“肚腩肉”)。例如:


7. 我得花很大力气才能除掉这些腰部赘肉。

I have a long way to go to get rid of these love handles.


8. 这项研究表明,有“游泳圈”的人10 年间的死亡风险高于同等体重但没有“游泳圈”的人。

The research suggests that people with spare tires have a higher risk of dying during a 10-year period than people who weigh the same without a spare tire.


9. “松饼皮”是一个通常贬义的俚语,用于形容一个人,常常是女性,腰部赘肉从裤子腰围处露出,样子像松饼皮溢出纸托。

Muffin top is a generally pejorative slang term used for a person, usually female, whose flabby midsection spills over the waistline of his or her pants in a manner that resembles the top of a muffin spilling over its paper casing.


10. 穿太紧的裤子会造成不雅观的腰部赘肉。

Too-tight pants could result in unsightly muffin top.


肥胖的第三种表现形式是“蝴蝶袖”,多用来形容上臂后方松垮下垂的赘肉,即“蝴蝶袖手臂”。英语可以译为butterfly-sleeve arm。例如:


11. 她正用一条毛巾做操,试图去除被称为“蝴蝶袖”的上臂后方多余的肥肉。 She is doing exercise with a towel, trying to get rid of the unwanted fat on the back of her upper arms, which is known as “butterfly-sleeve arms”.


肥胖的第四种表现是“苹果体型”,指“下肢纤细修长,腰腹部突出浑圆,状似苹果,是腹部型肥胖”。英语可以译为apple (body) shape。例如:


12. 这位专家说,苹果体型与较高的肾病风险相关。

The expert says that apple shape is linked to higher risk of kidney disease.


13. 对一个苹果体型的人来说,其腹部比臀部宽,这样的男士比较多。

For an apple-shaped person, the stomach region is wider than the hip section, mainly in males.


肥胖的第五种表现是“梨体型”,指“臀部及大腿脂肪过多,上半身不胖下半身胖,状似梨形,是臀部型肥胖”。英语可以译为pear (body) shape。例如:


14. 梨体型的定义是上身和胸部窄,而下身肥胖,腰臀比值为 0.8 或低于0.8

The pear body shape is defined by a small upper body and breasts, heavier lower body and a 0.8 or lower WHR (waist-to-hip ratio).
