




所谓diction,在翻译中可理解为the proper choiceand use of words and phrases to express meaning on the basis of accurate understanding of the original等。以此而论,只是大概翻译出来是不够的。

[1]中,对于“涵义”,大部分参赛者用了meanings、implications、definitions等,固然有一定道理,但更为准确的应为connotations,其原意是a feeling or an idea that a word makes you think of that is not its actual meaning,即深层隐含之意,同时词序也应随英文习惯调整,故整句不妨译为:“Heart” and “brain” have different connotations in Chinese and Western cultures.

[2]中,“心之官则思”是孟子所说(有的译文指出了这一点),因而自古形成共识,对此有多种译法,如:“The heart is the organ for thinking.”,“The heart’s function is to think.”,“The office of the mind is to think.”(《新英汉大辞典》)。而the heart is controlled by thinking则过于偏颇。为了强调,不妨译为:The heart is the very organ generating thought.“做事要用心”,有的译成to work hard with minds,则又混淆了heart和mind在中西文化中的区别,故可为to do things with their hearts或do it with your heart等。“跟着感觉走”,译成follow their/your feeling/instinct/nose似都可以,但要注意直接引语与间接引语在标点符号上的区别;同时,有“不是根据理性思考”(not follow their minds)之意,可适当增译。紧接的“而思维处于大脑之中”,许多人没有翻译出来,或是忽略了;而译成thought exists in the brain亦有缺陷,因exist是一种客观静态,此处不妨译成动态。具体而言,thought是the content of cognition,而thinking则是the process of using your mind to consider something carefully。一般来讲,“I thought about it”是指“我过去以为是那样”,而通常的“思维”“考虑”为thinking。同时,原文是分开的,但考虑到英文“形合”的特点,可将其并为一处,整句不妨译为:Since the ancient times the Chinese believe that “the heart is the very organ generating thought”. In the West, when parents tell their children to do things with their hearts, they mean to follow their feelings not their minds, for thinking is taking place in the brain.

[3]中,“在科学上”,译成In science/scientifically speaking/scientifically都是可取的。将“西医的‘心’与中医的‘心’并非是一个概念”译成“It isn’t the same concept of heart between western medicine and Chinese traditional medicine”,本身便没有区分出heart与 xin的不同性质;同时,Traditional Chinese Medicine一般在第一次出现后缩写为TCM,Western Medicine为WM,便于之后的表述。“心者,神之舍也”出自《黄帝内经》(这一点亦应以适当方式在译文中体现),其中的“心”还是中国传统文化意义上的,不应理解成mind,故仍为heart;“舍”似可为home、house等,而sanctuary、dwelling place则更准确。在句式上,该句既可整合表述,如:Scientifically, “heart” in the Western Medicine (WM) and “xin” in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) are different things: the former refers to a purely biological concept based on anatomy, biology and neurology; while the latter denotes to not only a medical concept, but an idea of culture, philosophy, religion and even metaphysics – “heart is where the spirit lives” as it is believed in TCM. 也可分句处理,如:Scientifically speaking, there are different understandings of heart (xin) in Western Medicine (WM) and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Heart in WM is purely abiological concept based on anatomy, biology, neurology and so on. TCM is much more holistic, everything being rooted in culture, philosophy, religion or even metaphysics, so that heart is regarded to be the “dwelling place of the spirit”.

