

[1] We cannot better Plato’s conviction that an individual is happy and society well organized when each individual engages in those activities for which he has a natural equipment, nor his conviction that it is the primary office of education to discover this equipment to its possessor and train him for its effective use. [2] But progress in knowledge has made us aware of the superficiality of Plato's lumping of individuals and their original powers into a few sharply marked-off classes; it has taught us that original capacities are indefinitely numerous and variable. 

– John Dewey

约翰·杜威(John Dewey,1859-1952),美国著名的教育家、思想家、心理学家,曾于1919年5月至1921年7月来华讲学两年多,胡适曾为他当翻译。他的实用主义教育思想对中国的知识界和教育界产生了很大影响。选文摘自他的《民主主义与教育》(Democracy and Education),言简意赅,翻译起来有些难度。

[1]中,对better一词的处理是个难点。有的漏译,有的译成“不置可否”“他的论断极好”“既不能升华、也不能改变”“令人无从置喙”等,显然不妥。该词通常用作形容词或副词,如:①There must be a better way to do this.(一定还会有更好的办法来做这事。)②He sings better than I do.(他唱得比我好。)有时也作名词,如:Which is the better of these two pens?(这两支钢笔哪一支更好?)但这里却用作动词,即“超过”“比……更好”之意,类似的,如:①We should do our best to better the relations between the two countries.(我们应尽力改善两国关系。)②The university has tremendously bettered the living conditions of students.(学校已经大大改善了学生的生活条件。)③His performance as Hamlet could not have been bettered.(他把哈姆雷特演得不能再好了。)所以,此处意为“……不能比柏拉图认为的……更好”。

接下来,便是句子结构问题。比较典型的参赛译文有“我们不能优化柏拉图的信念”“我们不可能提出比柏拉图更好的观点了”“我们超越不了柏拉图的思想……;也超越不了他的信仰……”等,主要意思固然表达出来了,但欠准确和精炼。其实,此处有“句中句”,即“不能比柏拉图认为更好”的内容是conviction that后的从句,其中又有两项内容,故不妨对其结构中的前后次序作一大调整。这就需要在充分理解原文的基础上,分辨不同成分,准确加以把握。典型的类似句子,如:The reform that met the technical requirements of the new age by engaging a large number of professionals and preventing the decline in efficiency that so commonly spoiled the fortunes of family firms in the second and third generation after the energetic founders, effectively enabled the family firms to survive the harsh competition.(聘请大批专业人士,预防通常导致“富不过三代”的效率低下问题,从而满足新时期的技术需求,由此进行的变革有效地帮助家族企业在激烈竞争中生存下来。)即在诠释了engaging a large number of professionals and preventing the decline in efficiency之后,把The reform调整到句末译出,从而避免了曲解原文和蹩脚的译文。


其中还有几点值得一提。有人将the primary (office)译成“小学”,其实该词本义为“of first rank or importance or value; direct and immediate rather than secondhand”,如the primary function(主要功能)、primary task(头等任务)、a primary interest(我最感兴趣的)等,这里根据上下文可译为“教育的首要任务”,而“小学”(primary school)只是后来引申出的一种。同时,equipment除了指装备、设备之外,还有素质、才能之意,如:①He does have the equipment for the new job.(他确实具备了从事这项新工作的才能。)②她是个唱歌的材料。(She has the vocal equipment of a singer.)再者,对于train him for its effective use,有的译成“不断放大长处”“强化它”等,都措辞欠佳。

[2]中,将progress in knowledge译成“不断的学习”“在知识这方面所取得的硕果”“随着知识的增加”等似都欠妥,实则为“知识方面的进步(积累)”。对于superficiality,有的没有将其与柏拉图的观点很好地融合在一起,如“使我们意识到柏拉图把个人和他们的原始力量集中在少数尖锐、肤浅的等级中”等。

同时,lump一般作名词,其本义为“a large piece of something without definite shape, ‘a lump of bread’ , ‘a lump of coal’”(一大块没有确定形状的东西,如一块面包、一块煤等),但这里用作动词(to put together indiscriminately),即笼统地归类,如:①If we lump all our money together, we should be able to purchase that property.(我们把所有的钱〈可能包括定期、活期、股票、外币等〉都凑在一起,就可以买下那栋房子。)②他把所有问题都归结为“种族主义”。(He lumped the whole problem under one label "racism".)

a few,原义为a small number,即少数,如:①I’ve got a few books on gardening.(我有几本园艺书。)②In a few words she had put him in his place.(她简单几句话就杀了他的威风。)但有的参赛者将a few sharply marked-off classes译成“鲜有明显划分的阶级”,这就有问题了,根据Collins词典解释(When talking about amounts, you use “a few” with plural countable nouns, and “a little” with uncountable nouns),a few与可数名词连用,而a little与不可数名词连用,所以在此强调的是“若干个”。

值得指出的是,分号“;”之后的it是progress in knowledge的代主语,仍需点明(必要的“重复”)。

