双语:Free Exchange: The Problematic Proposal

Free Exchange: The Problematic Proposal



Shifts in global-trade patterns are fuelling a new anti-trade fervour



These are difficult times for America’s free-traders. Donald Trump has put anger at “globalism” at the heart of his campaign. Even Democrats have turned against the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) – an ambitious new agreement between 12 Pacific-rim countries, and one of Barack Obama’s signature second-term achievements. Hillary Clinton, once a backer, has withdrawn her support, while left-wing activists rail against the deal at every opportunity. The changing structure of global trade is partly to blame for the souring of public opinion. Unfortunately, that evolution will make any new effort to liberalise trade devilishly hard.




Trade between America and China has grown explosively since 2000, over which time manufacturing employment in America has fallen from just over 17m workers to around 12m, while wages for less-skilled workers have stagnated. In a recent paper David Autor, David Dorn and Gordon Hanson examined the performance of cities where industry was most exposed to Chinese competition. They found depressed wages and labour-force participation and elevated unemployment persisted for a decade or more after rapid growth in trade with China began. Resentment at this experience, and at the perception that too little has been done by American leaders to mitigate these harms, certainly motivates some trade warriors. The wonder, arguably, is that politicians have taken so long to exploit these trends.


自2000年开始,中美贸易迅猛增长,在此期间美国制造业员工从略超过1700万人降至1200万左右,同时低技术工人的工资水平也陷入停滞。在一篇最新的论文中,大卫·奥特尔(David Autor)、大卫·多恩(David Dorn)和高登·汉森(Gordon Hanson)研究了多个城市的表现,这些城市的产业受中国竞争的影响最深。他们发现,对中贸易开始飞速发展之后,低迷的工资和劳动力参与度以及升高的失业率持续了十年甚至更久。对这一经历的愤恨,以及对美国领导人在缓解这些伤害上少有作为的不满,必然激起一些反自由贸易斗士的斗志。可以说,令人讶异的是政治家们竟然过了这么久才来利用这些趋势。


However, polling actually shows that Americans favour freer trade – more so, in fact, than they did a few years ago, when Mr Obama prioritised the TPP negotiations. But the recognition of the value of trade agreements does not extend to acceptance of TPP. Recent surveys find that the majority of Americans are against it. If worker angst and Sinophobia were determining what people think, then you might expect more anger about overall trade but less hostility to TPP, which excludes China. Instead, the public – and even Republicans, now America’s most trade-hostile party – see more opportunity than cost to expanded trade, while at the same time distrusting TPP.




This odd divergence in opinion may be linked to a globalisation of supply chains. Production of traded goods has become “unbundled”, says Richard Baldwin of the Graduate Institute in Geneva. Firms once tended to design new gadgets and order the supplies needed to build them in a single factory or city. In the past few decades, more efficient global shipping and improvements in communications allowed firms to spread production across far-flung locations: to design a phone in America, source parts from several Asian economies, and assemble it in China. The share of parts and components in trade rose from 22% to 29% between 1980 and 2000. In 2005 trade in “intermediate inputs” accounted for an estimated 56% of trade in goods and 73% in services across rich countries. This dispersion of production chains contributed to a dramatic acceleration in global trade growth. It also changed the way many workers view trade. Where once it meant the choice between Japanese and American gadgetry, it now means iPhones, but built with cheap foreign labour.


这一奇怪的意见分歧或许可以和供应链的全球化联系起来。日内瓦国际关系及发展高等学院(The Graduate Institute, Geneva)的理查德·鲍德温(Richard Baldwin)认为贸易货物的生产已呈现“非绑定的”形式。公司曾经倾向于设计新奇物件,并只从一个工厂或城市订购生产所需的物资。在过去几十年里,更高效的全球运输加上通信的进步,让公司能够将生产分布到更广阔的地区:在美国设计手机,从几个亚洲经济体采购零件,然后在中国组装。从1980年到2000年间,零部件在贸易中的比重从22%升至29%。2005年“中间投入”的贸易估计占富裕国家货物贸易的56%、服务贸易的73%。生产链的分散极大地促进了全球贸易的增长,也改变了很多工人对贸易的看法。贸易曾经意味着是选日本还是美国产的小玩意,现在它意味着iPhone手机,但由便宜的外国劳工生产。


As production has spread around the world, countries have specialised in different segments of the supply chain. While those, such as China, with lots of low-cost labour, focused on manufacturing and assembly, more advanced economies followed a different path. Cities like New York and San Francisco enjoyed an initial advantage in the most lucrative bits of the modern supply chain: research and development, engineering and finance. As a result, growth in supply-chain trade has been a boon for the powerful and profitable firms with headquarters in those cities, and for the highly skilled, well-compensated workers they employ. To the extent that further trade integration is seen as likely to reinforce these trends, TPP helps motivate opposition among red-state Republicans who are contemptuous and suspicious of big, blue-state metropolitan areas, and also among left-leaning Americans worried about inequality.




Worse still, from a strictly political perspective, is the focus within new trade agreements on stripping away non-tariff barriers. After decades of multinational diplomacy, tariff rates on most goods traded by most members of the WTO are too low to mention. Yet all sorts of obstacles to free exchange remain. Tradable services – in finance, or information industries – are subject to thickets of domestic regulation, for example conditions that must be satisfied before a firm can invest across borders. Simplifying and harmonising such rules should reduce trade costs. But when voters get a peek at such negotiations, they see their government offering to alter domestic standards – to sacrifice autonomy and sell out domestic interests, even – just to help the big firms make a few more bucks. Multinational companies do indeed exercise plenty of influence over what such pacts will entail. Yet even if they did not, the nature of the bargaining would make such dealmaking politically vulnerable.


