Product Demonstrations (1)

Product Demonstrations (1)




A: Excuse me, can you please show me how to make this contraption work? I’m having a heck of a time trying to figure it out….



B: It’s very easy, really. Here, let me show you….



A: Thank you!



B: Sure, no problem. First of all, you are holding it upside down. The red arrow must point upwards.



A: Oh, boy am I dumb!



B: Don’t worry about it…. It can be a little confusing your first time. Once you’ve got it upright, point the nozzle in the direction that you want to spray, then press the red button here.


A: Is that all there is to it? That seems really easy; I don’t know why I didn’t figure it out myself. Oh, but that’s only working for forward motion…. How do I make it work in reverse?


B: See this lever here? If you switch it slightly to the left, it will cause the motor to move in reverse. See now? It’s going backwards now. If you want it to go forward again, simply switch the lever back to the right side. Watch this….


A: That seems like a real piece of cake! And how do I clean out the dust trap when it’s full?


B: In the back of the machine here, see this panel? If you open up this flap, you will see a small screw holding the dust trap in place – You can use a regular screw driver to open it up with a few simple movements, then you can empty the trap. Here, I’ll show you.
